(415) 927.2273

By the Bay Health


KALW You Call radio show

On this edition of Your Call, we discuss the essential role of hospice care for people who are approaching the end of their life. Hospice provides comprehensive support and holistic in-home care, yet many patients and caregivers are not prepared for or informed about these services until they experience them firsthand.
Hospice experts and palliative care physicians Dr. Claritza Rios and Dr. Monisha Pujari discuss the benefits of hospice for patients and their caregivers and share insights into navigating end-of-life care.


Marin high school students interested in health care will soon get the opportunity to get a head start on those career opportunities.
A pilot course is being offered this spring for San Marin High School students to introduce them to various careers in this important field.
It is a coordinated initiative led by the Marin County Office of Education, the Novato Unified School District and By the Bay Health, the Marin-headquartered hospice program.
Marin high school students interested in a career in health care could receive early professional training from a program to be launched next year.
The pilot course, to be offered in the spring at San Marin High School in Novato, is being developed by the Marin County Office of Education, the Novato Unified School District and By the Bay Health, a nonprofit regional hospice program based in Larkspur.